Wednesday, April 30, 2008


when you listen to certain songs for the first time they really dont make sence until you find yourself in need and desperation. you feel like you need to talk to someone that that knows what your feeling and overal i think thats why we listen to music. to relate and say "i know what thay are talking about." life is hard but we all learn to deal with the thigs and problems were going through. their is no point in running away. Life is about facing the situation head first and finding out were that will take you....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

miguel is a dork!!!!!!!

miguel is a loser!
he walks around being a loser and a dork up the butt!
he created a wall that doesnt make since and he is pretending to not talk to me...
he likes star trek..and star trek is really gay! Star wars is way better than star trek !!!!
hes trying to be cool and its not working!!!!
star trek is just a wannabee version of star wars!!!
everyone in this world knows what star wars is!!!
miguel eats baby pandas for dinner and eats platipus eggs for breakfast!!!!
and kills white tigers for fun!!!!!!!
thats why they are going extinct so lets all kill miguel!!!!!!!
this world will be better without him!!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My favorite movies in the world are star wars and donnie darko!!!!!!!!! when george lucas created the first star wars "a new hope" no other director had made a movie wih that kind of graphics and stuff. so when star wars came out it blew everyons mind and stuff. now he has six episodes and their

Monday, April 7, 2008

enola gay

i have been researching the different stories of the men
that assembled, piloted and dropped the atomic bomb.
im ganna be a person on the plane.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My story

so.....i finally made up my mind about my story. At first i was researching about Trumans decision to drop the atomic bomb. As i was reading the process of the bomb dropping my story came to me. The Enola Gay was the plane that dropped the first bomb. One of the men that dropped it wrote in his diary, "my god what have we done." With something like that i wanted my story to be about a man that dropped the bomb and flew the Enola Gay. He has a wife and kids. His relationship with the president is fair and he always supports him. till the day of the bomb, his life changes and turns into a completly different man.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Progression

Yesterday we were in the library as well as today. Yeasterday i checked out two books. One is "Hiroshima" by Victoria Sherrow, and the other is "Turning point of
World War II: Hiroshima and Nagasaki."By Jane Claypool.

Both books have about two chapters about Harry Truman and his decision on dropping the atomic bomb.
a qoute i saw online said, "one of the most difficult decision in U.S History."
My opinion is split between the two.At the end of this research who know where i will stand....

Friday, March 28, 2008
my topic is about Harry Truman and the dropping of the atomic bomb.
I tried to get websites that where more facts than opinions.
i choose this because this is the biggest decision in history.
to decied the fate of thousand of people is un